What You Need to Know About Water Heater Installation

If you want to install a new water heater in your home, you will need to consider several factors. One of them is whether you will hire a plumber or do it yourself. The cost of a professional installation can range from $150 to $3,400. It also depends on the size of the heater, its location, and the complexity of the job.

If you are installing a gas water heater, you will need to have the gas line re-assembled. You will then need to screw the gas valve into the line with two pipe wrenches. The line should then be coated with a layer of pipe joint compound.

Water heaters are fire hazards. They are very hot, able to ignite combustible materials, and can emit colorless carbon monoxide. This can cause serious health problems. To prevent a fire, make sure the water heater is located away from cars and flammable materials. Alternatively, you can install a sediment trap in the inlet to capture moisture before it enters the firing chamber.

Before you get started, you need to check your local codes to see if you are required to have a licensed plumber install the water heater. These professionals will install the water heater and can offer you a warranty for any future repairs. A warranty will also ensure that you do not incur expensive repair bills if your heater is damaged.

In addition to getting a license, you will need to make sure that water heater installation you have the right permits for the work. Depending on the state you live in, your installation may require a separate permit. Some states require you to purchase an expansion tank. When installing an electric water heater, you will need to make sure that you install a circuit with a shutoff switch.

Most major home improvement retailers do not allow customers to choose their own contractors. If you are shopping at one of these stores, it is a good idea to choose a local company. Many employees of these companies have little or no plumbing experience. Therefore, you may end up with a poorly installed water heater that you can’t use.

As with all home improvements, you should have your new water heater checked out by a licensed professional. You should check for leaks, install a sediment trap, and ensure that your home meets applicable codes. However, if you have never done any plumbing work, you should consider having a plumber perform your water heater installation.

Installing a new water heater can be a relatively easy task. But you should be careful not to do it yourself. Doing so is a risky venture and you could wind up with a disaster. Make sure that you follow a step-by-step checklist to avoid disaster.

If you are planning to install a new tank type water heater, you will need to be ready to spend an additional hour or so on the labor portion of the job. Tankless models are even more complicated to install and can take ten hours or more.